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SITE VISIT SHARING SESSION (SVSS) EDISI 2024 : DENGKIL, SELANGOR Sejak dilancarkan pada September lalu, V – Plus Panel semakin mendapat perhatian terutamanya daripada kontraktor – kontraktor di luar sana oleh kerana kelebihan dan juga penambahan yang terdapat pada V – Plus Panel. Oleh kerana permintaan yang semakin meningkat, untuk pembukaan tahun baru, satu SVSS telah diadakan di site milik En Firdaus, Founder kepada MFD Builders di site beliau yang terletak di Dengkil, Selangor. SVSS ini tealh diadakan pada 29 Januari yang lalu dan semestinya telah mendapat perhatian ramai kontraktor terutamanya yang berada di sekitar Selangor dan juga berdekatan. Turut turun padang untuk SVSS Dengkil ini adalah Project Manager iaitu En Bad dan juga beberapa individu penting. Oleh kerana lokasi SVSS kali ini terletak di Selangor dan agak strategik, ramai kontraktor telah mengambil peluang untuk turut serta dalam SVSS kali ini dan melihat sendiri pemasangan V – Plus Panel ditapak secara “Live”. Kontraktor juga tak lepaskan peluang untuk turut bertanyakan soalan dan berkongsi pendapat mereka bersama En Bad dan juga En Firdaus. Semoga dengan SVSS ini, kontraktor dapat menambahkan lagi pengetahuan mereka. Jumpa kontraktor semua di SVSS seterusnya. SITE VISIT SHARING SESSION (SVSS) 2024 EDITION : DENGKIL, SELANGOR Since its launch last September, the V-Plus Panel has garnered increasing attention, particularly from contractors, due to its advantages and additional features. With demand on the rise, for the beginning of the new year, an SVSS (Site Visit & Sharing Session) was held at the site owned by Mr. Firdaus, the Founder of MFD Builders, located in Dengkil, Selangor. This SVSS took place on January 29th and attracted the attention of many contractors, especially those in and around Selangor. Also present at the Dengkil SVSS were the Project Manager, Mr. Bad, and several other important individuals. Because this SVSS location was in Selangor and quite strategic, many contractors took the opportunity to participate and witness the installation of V-Plus Panels on site, live. Contractors also didn’t miss the chance to ask questions and share their opinions with Mr. Bad and Mr. Firdaus. Hopefully, with this SVSS, contractors can further enhance their knowledge. See all contractors at the next SVSS. MORE DETAILS?Please do not hesitate to reach out to our team for us to assist you further   WHATSAPP  :  :                      : #ibsterbaikmalaysia#ibspalingjimatmalaysia#ibsyangbagusmalaysia#ibscompany#ibssupplier&manufacture#ibsconstruction#kontraktoribs#ibskontraktor#ibsselangor#ibskelantan#ibsjohor#ibskedah#ibskl#ibspahang#ibsperak#ibspulaupinang#ibsperlis#ibsmelaka#ibsnegerisembilan#ibssarawak#ibssabah#ibsmalaysia#ibsconstructionsolution#ibssysteminmalaysia#ibsconcepthousemalaysia#ibsdevelopment#ibsbiggestsuplier#ibscontractor#ibssuppliermalaysia#ibsrumahcantikdanmewah#ibsrumahsejuk#ibsrumahcepatsiap


Kontraktor yang dah lama dalam bidang construction atau pun yang baru ingin menjadi kontraktor semestinya mempunyai challenge untuk mencari “leads” ataupun client. Dengan persaingan yang makin sengit, bagaimana cara untuk kontraktor “stand out” dan membuat kelainan untuk lebih menarik minat client. Antara salah satu cara adalah dengan menawarkan pembinaan yang lebih jimat masa kepada client. Possible ke untuk rumah siap dengan lebih cepat? Mestilah possible menggunakan V – Plus Panel. Dengan V – Plus Panel, kontraktor dapat menjadikan pembinaan yang lebih cepat sebagai “selling point” kepada client. Selain itu, kontraktor juga dapat menawarkan rumah jimat tenaga kepada prospek kerana V – Plus Panel mempunyai fungsi sebagai penebat haba yang baik, menjadikan rumah lebih sejuk dan nyaman. Jadi tuan rumah dapat menjimatkan elektrik. Antara point menarik yang turut dapat digunakan oleh kontraktor juga adalah dari segi kualiti binaan. Ini kerana bahan yang digunakan iaitu V – Plus Panel bukan sahaja berkualiti tinggi, tapi turut mempunyai sijil daripada CIDB, BOMBA dan juga SIRIM. STAND OUT FROM COMPETITORS WITH V – PLUS PANELContractors who have been in the construction field for a long time or are new and aspiring to become contractors surely face challenges finding leads or clients. With increasingly fierce competition, how can a contractor stand out and make a difference to attract clients? One way is by offering construction services that save time for the client. Is it possible to complete a house faster? It is possible when using V-Plus Panels. With the V-Plus Panel, contractors can make faster construction time as a selling point to clients. Additionally, contractors can offer energy-efficient homes to prospects because V-Plus Panels function as excellent heat insulators, making homes cooler and more comfortable, thus saving on electricity bills for homeowners. Another attractive point that contractors can use is construction quality. This is because the material used, namely V-Plus Panels, is not only of high quality but also certified by CIDB, BOMBA, and SIRIM. MORE DETAILS?Please do not hesitate to reach out to our team for us to assist you further   WHATSAPP  :  :                      : #ibsterbaikmalaysia#ibspalingjimatmalaysia#ibsyangbagusmalaysia#ibscompany#ibssupplier&manufacture#ibsconstruction#kontraktoribs#ibskontraktor#ibsselangor#ibskelantan#ibsjohor#ibskedah#ibskl#ibspahang#ibsperak#ibspulaupinang#ibsperlis#ibsmelaka#ibsnegerisembilan#ibssarawak#ibssabah#ibsmalaysia#ibsconstructionsolution#ibssysteminmalaysia#ibsconcepthousemalaysia#ibsdevelopment#ibsbiggestsuplier#ibscontractor#ibssuppliermalaysia#ibsrumahcantikdanmewah#ibsrumahsejuk#ibsrumahcepatsiap


Hari ini, 2 June 2024 telah berlangsung Program Jadi Kontraktor IBS (JKIBS) untuk edisi Jun 2024. Untuk kelas kali ini, Sifuibs berkongsi pelbagai topik – topik menarik antaranya mengenai permasalahan kontraktor. Topik ini merangkumi perkongsian mengenai kenapa dalam industri pembinaan, warga asing telah mendominasi dan juga mengenai kos bahan binaan yang semakin meningkat saban hari. Selain itu, Sifuibs juga turut berkongsi beberapa strategi untuk yang boleh diaplikasikan oleh kontraktor untuk menaiktaraf arah tuju dan juga perjalanan perniagaan mereka. Dalam JKIBS juga, Encik Husni turut menjelaskan mengenai kepentingan kolaborasi dan juga pentingnya sesebuah komuniti. Komuniti yang saling menyokong dan memberikan semangat kepada kontraktor adalah amat penting supaya kontraktor menjadi lebih bersemangat untuk terus “Upgrade” diri dan juga belajar supaya dapat meningkatkan lagi business. JADI KONTRAKTOR IBS (JKIBS) 2ND OF JUNE EDITION | SIFUIBS.COM Today, June 2nd, 2024, Program Jadi Kontraktor IBS (JKIBS) took place for the June edition. For the class this time, Sifuibs shared interesting topics, including the problems of contractors. This topic includes a sharing about why in the construction industry, foreigners have dominated and also about the cost of building materials that is increasing every day. In addition, Sifuibs also shared some strategies contractors can apply to improve their direction and business journey. In JKIBS as well, Encik Husni also explained the importance of collaboration and the importance of a community. A community that supports each other and gives enthusiasm to contractors is vital so that contractors become more enthusiastic about continuing to upgrade themselves and learn to improve their business further. MORE DETAILS?Please do not hesitate to reach out to our team for us to assist you further   WHATSAPP  :  :                      : #ibsterbaikmalaysia#ibspalingjimatmalaysia#ibsyangbagusmalaysia#ibscompany#ibssupplier&manufacture#ibsconstruction#kontraktoribs#ibskontraktor#ibsselangor#ibskelantan#ibsjohor#ibskedah#ibskl#ibspahang#ibsperak#ibspulaupinang#ibsperlis#ibsmelaka#ibsnegerisembilan#ibssarawak#ibssabah#ibsmalaysia#ibsconstructionsolution#ibssysteminmalaysia#ibsconcepthousemalaysia#ibsdevelopment#ibsbiggestsuplier#ibscontractor#ibssuppliermalaysia#ibsrumahcantikdanmewah#ibsrumahsejuk#ibsrumahcepatsiap


VOICE CHAT  TELEGRAM – SIFUIBS 30 MAY 2024 Pada 30 May yang lalu, telah memberikan beberapa point dan juga sharing menarik melalui channel telegram khas buat kontraktor. Di dalam sahring ini, Sifuibs teal berkongsi mengenai beberapa kelebihan V – Plus Panel berbanding panel sebelumnya dan bagaimana inovasi terbaru ini dapat membantu kontraktor untuk “Stand Out” daripada pesaing. Di dalam sharing tersebut juga, Sifuibs turut berkongsi mengenai sebab inovasi terbaru iaitu V – Plus Panel dikeluarkan. Antara perkongsian menarik dari Sifuibs mengenai V – Plus Panel adalah bagaimana penggunaan V – Plus Panel dapat meningkatkan “Selling Point” kontraktor dengan menawarkan rumah yang lebih jimat tenaga dan sejuk. Bukan itu sahaja, Penggunaan V – Plus Panel juga dapat mengurangkan penggunaan tenaga tukang kerana berat panel adalah lebih ringan dan mudah untuk dipasang dan dikendalikan oleh tukang. Sifuibs turut menjelaskan sebab mengapa AZ Mega Plus memilih untuk beralih kepada inovasi terbaru berdasarkan beberapa feedback daripada kontraktor. Kami di AZ Mega Plus mendengar cadangan dan juga maklumbalas daripada kontraktor dan sentiasa berusaha untuk lebih improve. VOICE CHAT  TELEGRAM – SIFUIBS 30 MAY 2024   Last May 30, gave interesting sharing through a special telegram channel for contractors. In this sharing, Sifuibs shared some advantages of using the V-Plus Panel compared to previous panels how this latest innovation can help contractors stand out from competitors, and why the V-Plus Panel has been released. Among the interesting sharings from Sifuibs about the V-Plus Panel is how the usage of the V-Plus Panel can increase the contractor’s selling point by offering more energy-efficient and cool houses. Not only that, the V-Plus Panel can also reduce energy consumption because the weight of the panel is lighter and easy to install and operate. Sifuibs also explained why AZ Mega Plus chose to switch to the latest innovation based on some feedback from contractors. We at AZ Mega Plus listen to suggestions and feedback from contractors and always strive to improve. MORE DETAILS?Please do not hesitate to reach out to our team for us to assist you further   WHATSAPP  :  :                        : #ibsterbaikmalaysia#ibspalingjimatmalaysia#ibsyangbagusmalaysia#ibscompany#ibssupplier&manufacture#ibsconstruction#kontraktoribs#ibskontraktor#ibsselangor#ibskelantan#ibsjohor#ibskedah#ibskl#ibspahang#ibsperak#ibspulaupinang#ibsperlis#ibsmelaka#ibsnegerisembilan#ibssarawak#ibssabah#ibsmalaysia#ibsconstructionsolution#ibssysteminmalaysia#ibsconcepthousemalaysia#ibsdevelopment#ibsbiggestsuplier#ibscontractor#ibssuppliermalaysia#ibsrumahcantikdanmewah#ibsrumahsejuk#ibsrumahcepatsiap


KELAS WEBINAR | TEKNIK DAPAT PROJEK, TANPA CABEL TANPA TENDER Pada Rabu, 29/05/2024 telah berlangsung Webinar khas dengan pengisian menarik bertajuk “Teknik Dapat Projek, Tanpa Cabel Tanpa Tender”. Topik ini semestinya cukup dekat dan amat berkaitan dengan kontraktor kerana pada pandangan kontraktor, salah satu cara yang mudah untuk mendapatkan projek semestinya perlu mempunyai kabel. Tanpa kabel, mesti sukar untuk kontraktor mendapat projek. Dalam webinar ini, Founder Az Mega Plus Group berkongsi pandangan dan pendapat beliau mengenai perkara ini dan memperkenalkan kepada kontraktor dan bakal kontraktor mengenai cabang lain dalam bidang “Constructions” iaitu Bina Rumah atas Tanah Sendiri. Dalam perkongsian tersebut juga, En Husni turut memberika beberapa tips dan juga saranan agar kontraktor dan bakal kontraktor dapat terus maju kehadapan walaupun tanpa tender dan kabel. Akhir perkongsian, En Husni turut menjemput kontraktor untuk menyertai Program Jadi Kontraktor IBS untuk lebih perkongsian mengenai IBS! WEBINAR CLASS  | “TEKNIK DAPAT PROJEK, TANPA KABEL TANPA TENDER” On Wednesday, 29/05/2024, a special Webinar took place with interesting content entitled “Teknik Dapat Projek, Tanpa Kabel”. This topic is very relevant to the contractor because, from the contractor’s point of view, one of the easiest ways to get a project is to have cable or connection. After all, without connection, it would be difficult for contractors to get any projects, especially tenders. In this webinar, the Founder of Az Mega Plus Group shared his views and opinions on this matter and introduced contractors and prospective contractors to another branch in the construction field, which is house building. In the webinar, En Husni also gave some tips and suggestions so that contractors and prospective contractors can continue to move forward even without tenders and cables. At the end of the sharing, En Husni also invited contractors to join “Program Jadi Kontraktor IBS” for more sharing about IBS! MORE DETAILS?Please do not hesitate to reach out to our team for us to assist you further   WHATSAPP  :  :                        : #ibsterbaikmalaysia#ibspalingjimatmalaysia#ibsyangbagusmalaysia#ibscompany#ibssupplier&manufacture#ibsconstruction#kontraktoribs#ibskontraktor#ibsselangor#ibskelantan#ibsjohor#ibskedah#ibskl#ibspahang#ibsperak#ibspulaupinang#ibsperlis#ibsmelaka#ibsnegerisembilan#ibssarawak#ibssabah#ibsmalaysia#ibsconstructionsolution#ibssysteminmalaysia#ibsconcepthousemalaysia#ibsdevelopment#ibsbiggestsuplier#ibscontractor#ibssuppliermalaysia#ibsrumahcantikdanmewah#ibsrumahsejuk#ibsrumahcepatsiap


Webinar yang paling ditunggu-tunggu kini kembali dengan topik-topik menarik, khas untuk kontraktor dan bakal kontraktor. Apa itu webinar Bagi yang tak tahu, webinar Sifuibs dikendalikan sendiri oleh Founder AZ Mega Plus Group sendiri iaitu En Husni Zamri. Dalam webinar ini, pelbagai topik menarik yang akan dibincangkan antaranya teknik pemasaran dan “guide” yang betul untuk kontraktor dan bakal kontraktor. Memulakan siri webinar dengan topik SEO, diikuti dengan tips dan cara untuk “close” projek dan panduan yang betul khas untuk kontraktor, topik yang bakal dibawakan malam ini pastinya akan lebih menarik dan yang paling penting, sesuai untuk kontraktor mengembangkan perniagaan mereka dengan lebih baik lagi. Webinar ini terbuka untuk kepada  kontraktor, pemilik rumah, atau bukan kontraktor, semuanya boleh menjadi sebahagian daripada keluarga webinar ini selagi anda mempunyai keinginan untuk mempelajari sesuatu yang baharu. SPECIAL SIFUIBS.COM WEBINAR, TODAY!  The most awaited webinar is now back with exciting topics, especially for contractors and future contractors. What is webinar? For those who don’t know, the Sifuibs webinar is conducted by the Founder of AZ Mega Plus Group himself, En Husni Zamri. In this webinar, various topics will be discussed, especially marketing techniques and proper guides to ensure contractors and future contractors are aware of.  Starting its series with SEO topics, followed by tips on how to close projects and a proper guide for contractors, this next topic will surely be exciting and, most importantly, will be a perfect fit for contractors to grow their businesses even more. This webinar is open for all contractors, homeowners, or even a non-contractor curiosity can all be a part of this webinar family as long as you have the urge to learn something new. MORE DETAILS?Please do not hesitate to reach out to our team for us to assist you further   WHATSAPP  :  :                         : #ibsterbaikmalaysia#ibspalingjimatmalaysia#ibsyangbagusmalaysia#ibscompany#ibssupplier&manufacture#ibsconstruction#kontraktoribs#ibskontraktor#ibsselangor#ibskelantan#ibsjohor#ibskedah#ibskl#ibspahang#ibsperak#ibspulaupinang#ibsperlis#ibsmelaka#ibsnegerisembilan#ibssarawak#ibssabah#ibsmalaysia#ibsconstructionsolution#ibssysteminmalaysia#ibsconcepthousemalaysia#ibsdevelopment#ibsbiggestsuplier#ibscontractor#ibssuppliermalaysia#ibsrumahcantikdanmewah#ibsrumahsejuk#ibsrumahcepatsiap


V – PLUS PANEL SITE MENTORING IN SELANGOR Since being launched in September 2023, the V – Plus Panel has gained a lot of interest among new and experienced contractors. Since V – Plus Panel is an innovation in construction, the technical team has taken part in going to the contractor’s site and assisting them with mentoring and guiding them for panel installation.  One of the earliest sites that the technical team went to was in Hulu Langat, Selangor. The owner of this site is Encik Aziq, the founder of Mafy Builders for his 1330sqft house construction. Our technical team and Project Manager, En Bad himself took part in mentoring and teaching En Aziq and his team how to install the V – Plus Panel correctly and also tips and tricks to make sure the installation process went smoothly. We at AZ Mega Plus hope that with the Guidance provided by our Technical team, more contractors will be aware of the benefits of the V – Plus Panel and decide to change their method to the IBS V – Plus Panel. MORE DETAILS?Please do not hesitate to reach out to our team for us to assist you further   WHATSAPP  :  :                      : #ibsterbaikmalaysia#ibspalingjimatmalaysia#ibsyangbagusmalaysia#ibscompany#ibssupplier&manufacture#ibsconstruction#kontraktoribs#ibskontraktor#ibsselangor#ibskelantan#ibsjohor#ibskedah#ibskl#ibspahang#ibsperak#ibspulaupinang#ibsperlis#ibsmelaka#ibsnegerisembilan#ibssarawak#ibssabah#ibsmalaysia#ibsconstructionsolution#ibssysteminmalaysia#ibsconcepthousemalaysia#ibsdevelopment#ibsbiggestsuplier#ibscontracor#ibssuppliermalaysia#ibsrumahcantikdanmewah#ibsrumahsejuk#ibsrumahcepatsia


Before this, we share about the Site Visit Sharing Session (SVSS) in Seri Menanti, Negeri Sembilan as our first SVSS using V – Plus Panel. For the second location of SVSS, we brought SVSS to the east coast of Malaysia which is in Pahang. The owner of this SVSS location is the Founder of Mach Fusion, En Nurasal at his site in Mentakab, Pahang which is also one of the earliest contractors to have a construction project using V – Plus Panel. This SVSS took place on 12 December, last year just a few months after the V – Plus Panel was launched. For this SVSS our goal is to gather contractors, especially from east Malaysia and everyone nearby to join us to learn more about the V – Plus Panel and also for them to experience and watch the installation process of the V – Plus Panel. For this SVSS, we also had a special sharing from the site owner, En Nurasal himself, and the AZ Mega Plus Project Manager, En Bad.  SVSS is so important because it is one of the ways to educate contractors about V – Plus Panel, especially for newbie in Industrilised Building System (IBS). We at AZ Mega Plus will continue to provide this kind of support and education to ensure contractors are more aware of the benefits of IBS, especially the V – Plus Panel.   MORE DETAILS?Please do not hesitate to reach out to our team for us to assist you further   WHATSAPP  :  :                         : #ibsterbaikmalaysia#ibspalingjimatmalaysia#ibsyangbagusmalaysia#ibscompany#ibssupplier&manufacture#ibsconstruction#kontraktoribs#ibskontraktor#ibsselangor#ibskelantan#ibsjohor#ibskedah#ibskl#ibspahang#ibsperak#ibspulaupinang#ibsperlis#ibsmelaka#ibsnegerisembilan#ibssarawak#ibssabah#ibsmalaysia#ibsconstructionsolution#ibssysteminmalaysia#ibsconcepthousemalaysia#ibsdevelopment#ibsbiggestsuplier#ibscontracor#ibssuppliermalaysia#ibsrumahcantikdanmewah#ibsrumahsejuk#ibsrumahcepatsiap  


Have you wondered if a new contractor without any technical skill or has been using the conventional method for so long and now decided to change their method to IBS, can handle the V – Plus Panel installation process? Who will guide them? Well, lucky for contractors especially newbies, you don’t have to worry anymore because our technical team is here to help you. Especially for new buyers, if you have no experience in panel installation, you can request a mentoring session from the sales team and the technical team will reach out to you to schedule a mentoring session. This initiative provided by AZ Mega Plus is to help contractors especially new contractors to deliver spectacular and excellent projects to their owners. The Guidance especially for the first-timer is important to prevent contractors from installing the panel using the wrong method and also to prevent issues, especially in the future. Our technical team is committed to making sure contractors can be more confident in the IBS method and change their skepticism towards the IBS method. From this mentoring session, contractors can also help fellow friends who are still unsure about the IBS technique by sharing their experience with them. If contractors have any questions past the mentoring session, they can still reach out to our technical teams and will be ready to help. We at AZ Mega Plus Group hope through this initiative, contractors can be more confident in IBS methods. MORE DETAILS? Please do not hesitate to reach out to our team for us to assist you further WHATSAPP  : FACEBOOK  :                       : #ibsterbaikmalaysia #ibspalingjimatmalaysia #ibsyangbagusmalaysia #ibscompany #ibssupplier&manufacture #ibsconstruction #kontraktoribs #ibskontraktor #ibsselangor #ibskelantan #ibsjohor #ibskedah #ibskl #ibspahang #ibsperak #ibspulaupinang #ibsperlis #ibsmelaka #ibsnegerisembilan #ibssarawak #ibssabah #ibsmalaysia #ibsconstructionsolution #ibssysteminmalaysia #ibsconcepthousemalaysia #ibsdevelopment #ibsbiggestsuplier #ibscontracor #ibssuppliermalaysia #ibsrumahcantikdanmewah #ibsrumahsejuk #ibsrumahcepatsiap


One of the newest education programs under is a special webinar class with various topics chosen by the contractor and what they would like to learn. This class is free of charge and can be joined by everyone interested and eager to learn. This class is the preview for the upcoming Program Jadi Kontraktor IBS (JKIBS).  Through this program, will elaborate on a given topic and connect with the audience by asking them questions and also get to know and learn more about them. Through this webinar, Sifuibs will also share tips and tricks on how contractors can succeed more in the construction game. This webinar is important because it is the first step and preview of who Sifuibs is. Through this webinar also, participants can familiarize themselves with construction game plans and new strategies that can be used to help them succeed further. How are topics chosen? The participant interested in joining the Webinar will be asked to join a special WhatsApp group where they vote on related topics that fit their liking and what they want to know more about. This community is so special since it is a platform where everyone especially contractors can upgrade their construction game plan with various construction techniques. MORE DETAILS?Please do not hesitate to reach out to our team for us to assist you further   WHATSAPP  :    :                        : #ibsterbaikmalaysia#ibspalingjimatmalaysia#ibsyangbagusmalaysia#ibscompany#ibssupplier&manufacture#ibsconstruction#kontraktoribs#ibskontraktor#ibsselangor#ibskelantan#ibsjohor#ibskedah#ibskl#ibspahang#ibsperak#ibspulaupinang#ibsperlis#ibsmelaka#ibsnegerisembilan#ibssarawak#ibssabah#ibsmalaysia#ibsconstructionsolution#ibssysteminmalaysia#ibsconcepthousemalaysia#ibsdevelopment#ibsmalaysia#ibsbiggestsuplier#ibsrumahcantikdanmewah#ibsrumahsejuk#ibsrumahcepatsiap

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