You are a Contractor and you want to know about the V – Plus Panel, especially in the technical aspect? Worry no more because we at AZ Mega Plus Group want only the best for you. To fulfill the technical session needs, we provide a free of charge Telegram Voice Chat Session with our Project Manager, En Bad. This session, is usually being held on Wednesday at noon depending on En Bad schedule of the weeks. This session mainly focused on Technical Aspect of V – Plus Panel especially installation method. Other than that, this session also uncovered a few topics that contractors are curious about the V – Plus Panel. This session is actually quite special because contractors who joined the session can directly asked En Bad their concern and curiosity about IBS method and V – Plus Panel. Every weeks, we will bring out a new topic that perfectly fit contractors question and if it is not enough, contractor themselves can also suggest what kind of topics they want to hear next. This voice chat technical session is one of the many guides provided by AZ Mega Plus Group to make sure contractors can get full knowledge of the V – Plus Panel and its tips and tricks. Not just buy the panel and be confused about how to do the installation and whatnot. Contractors, keep on supporting the V – Plus Panel which has a lot of benefits and is the new invention in construction just for you. MORE DETAILS?Please do not hesitate to reach out to our team for us to assist you further   WHATSAPP  :  :                         : #ibsterbaikmalaysia#ibspalingjimatmalaysia#ibsyangbagusmalaysia#ibscompany#ibssupplier&manufacture#ibsconstruction#kontraktoribs#ibskontraktor#ibsselangor#ibskelantan#ibsjohor#ibskedah#ibskl#ibspahang#ibsperak#ibspulaupinang#ibsperlis#ibsmelaka#ibsnegerisembilan#ibssarawak#ibssabah#ibsmalaysia#ibsconstructionsolution#ibssysteminmalaysia#ibsconcepthousemalaysia#ibsdevelopment Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.